The Purpose of Raindrop Technique is to stimulate every organ, muscle and bone of the body at a cellular level through the oils, boosting the immune system, bringing the body into structural/electrical balance, and enabling the release of toxins or disease wherever they may be lodged including those illnesses lodged in the mind and emotions. Raindrop Technique is a non-secular art and science.
Raindrop Technique is Mostly Effectively Performed in Silence no music and no talking. This allows the facilitator to concentrate and serve as a better channel while allowing the client to interiorize their mind and assist in healing process. If talking in necessary (for industrializing purposes, for example), it should be quietly or in a whisper. Gary Young encourages both facilitator and client to engage in Raindrop with an attitude of prayer, acknowledge our Creator as the source of all health and well-being, and seeking His guidance at all times.
The Client is the Principle Participant in and the means of their own healing. The Facilitator is but a vessel assisting the client to mobilize their own healing powers. The client should interiorize or center themselves and feel the body as it adjusts and corrects itself. The client should breathe deeply and in a relaxed fashion.
The Maladies of the Body and Mind are in Layers. During any given Raindrop session only those layers the client is ready and willing to release will be released-both physical and emotional. Negative experiences are often our greatest teachers. That is the reason we sometimes hold on to them-because we still have something to learn from them. When the client feels something ready to be released, Gary Young suggests this affirmation: “I lovingly and willingly release that which no longer serves me in a positive and progressive way.”
Raindrop Technique is a Complete Modality, in and if Itself, that reaches to all levels of the body, mind and emotions. In general, its results are not improved when additional modalities (such as chiropractic etc.) are added or inserted during a raindrop session. The objective of Raindrop is to awaken the receiver’s internal healing powers and any external manipulation at the time of the raindrop session interferes with that objective. Raindrop Technique alone is sufficient to awaken the self-healing powers of the client and does so in a way that delivers optimal benefit according to the readiness and willingness of the client at the time of treatment. At the completion of a Raindrop Technique session the client will have been lifted to a delicate state of balance and receptivity to healing energies. Employing additional modalities at that time can upset that balance and reduce the healing potential. While acupuncture, allopathy, chiropractic, reflexology, and other therapeutic modalities can be enhanced when employed with essential oils, Raindrop Technique is generally best when done by itself. If needed or desired, other healing modalities can be employed later when the Raindrop Technique has had time to complete its work.
Raindrop Techniques Stimulates Detoxification of the Body. Therefore, it is crucial for the client to drink plenty of water following a session and avoid toxic fluids such as soda pop, coffee, or alcohol. A good rule to follow is to divide your weight in pounds by two and drink that number of ounces of pure water every day. Sometimes the detoxification process results in bodily soreness, headache, sinus drainage, coughing or a rash on the skin. While unpleasant, these symptoms are temporary and are merely and indication that the technique is working and, perhaps, saving you from a much more serious illness at a later time. If the colon, liver and kidneys are saturated with toxins and unable to function normally, the skin becomes the third organ of excretion-thus a rash. If that happens, stop using oils for a while and double your water intake. For the vast majority of Raindrop experience is a pleasant sense of improved wellbeing, relaxation, energization and, in some cases chronic ailments have fallen away immediately or have disappeared soon after the session.
Raindrop Technique can Lead to Permanent Healing, but…The correction or healing of maladies will vary widely among clients according to their needs going into the session and their willingness to release what ails them at all time. Not all problems can be solved in a single session. A state of ill health is usually the result of many years of accumulation of toxins and traumas-physical, mental, and spiritual. Each Raindrop Session can potentially correct something, but to completely return to a state of in terms of diet, exercise, habits, and environment. Raindrop Technique cannot lead to permanent healing unless permanent changes are made by the client to eliminate the factors that led to the ill conditions in the first place. What Raindrop Technique does id to help cleanse one of the consequences of past negative activities and affords one the opportunity to start afresh and get it right in the present and into the future.
Strong Emotional Releases can Sometimes Occur with Raindrop since the oils, when inhaled, go directly to the central brain which coordinates the memory of stored emotions. The oils also go directly to muscles, tissues and organs throughout the body where emotions can also be stored in cellular memory. Essential oils can penetrate cellular membranes and release these forgotten emotions. In rare instances, receivers may have a strong emotional response (such as crying, moaning, writhing, flailing of arms, etc.) Accept what you are witnessing as a necessary and beneficial healing process for that client. In such instances, the Raindrop session has provided what the client perceives as a safe environment to allow such expressions to manifest and work themselves out. The facilitator should keep silent and maintain physical contact. Allow them to work it out. It is best to say nothing or, at the most, simple reassure them by saying quietly, “It’s okay” or “It’s all right.” Stay with them for as long as it takes (which can be hours in some cases), but above all, never break physical contact with them.
The Benefits From Raindrop May Not All be Apparent immediately following the session. Adjustments can continue throughout the week following. Some clients experience a healing (occasionally dramatic) immediately upon receiving Raindrop. However, the completion of the benefits to the client’s mind, body, and emotions takes place over a period of hours and days following the session and may not all be evident right away. Furthermore, some of the benefits may be subtle and not noticed for a while. What problems the client may have hoped would be corrected may not as yet be healed, thus waiting to be released in a future Raindrop Session. Meanwhile, unexpected healings may occur for chronic problems the client had not even thought of. One can never predict in advance what benefits Raindrop may bring in a given session. Therefore, evaluation of the benefits received from Raindrop Technique may take several days to assess.
A Word About Skin Sensitivities. Therapeutic grade essential oils (such as those from Young Living) are generally safe to apply neat to the skin without unpleasant reactions. However, people whose bodies are in an acid condition or who have high levels of toxins may react to some oils and can develop a rash from too rapid a detox following Raindrop. For such individuals, use half the recommended number of drops of oil and apply V6 and/or Valor to the back before applying any essential oils. For very sensitive people, try Raindrop with just Ortho Ease and only one or two oils.
Anyone Can Do Raindrop. The Healing is from God through the oils and the facilitator. No license or formal training is necessary. There are a variety of valid and effective ways to do Raindrop. While following a basic outline, the experienced facilitator may sometimes be led to vary the oils and the technique to fit the client according to their needs at the time. There may be some ways of applying the oils of Raindrop Technique that are more effective and some that are less effective, but there are no ineffective ways to do Raindrop. Gary Young has cautioned that “More is not necessarily better when you apply the oils.” Follow the guidelines for amount of drops to apply found in the Raindrop Notes but don’t worry if you apply a few drops more or less than suggested and don’t worry that your technique isn’t perfected. The important thing is to get the oils on the body where they can do their work.
